Why Automate!
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So why would you you want to automate?
Well I guess the easy answer is to save time, and hence money – and that in itself is a great reason for doing so.
But think about the following also:
- If you do the same things manually enough times, you can almost guarantee at some point something is going to go wrong! Why play Russian Roulette
- Not only can save people time – if the automation can produce work / reports faster (and often we can) then it could help save your clients time as well.
- Often when we look at automation projects we find how we can even more value than was originally thought, add new reports, find new insights that would of otherwise of been missed
- Redeploy people to work on account management / sales / marketing strategies – the things that make you money, and if you’re an agency your clients as well
- Increase the volume of work with no extra cost, one person may have been limited on how much they could achieve in an hour / day / week / money – An automated computer task can often achieve much more, and ifs its at capacity add another computer, oh and the computer systems will work 24/7 for you.
- Save on recruitment costs as you grow needing more people to do the same job, or replacing staff. that might leave.
- No worrying about staff stick / holidays and how those tasks will get done whilst they are away.
So take a good look at your business (or let us) and see how creative we can get in helping free up time and money so you can be more creative!